Why Visit a Charlotte Chiropractor for Back Pain or Whiplash

There are many reasons why an individual might choose to go to a chiropractor in Charlotte for healthcare. One of the most common reasons to get chiropractic treatment is for back pain. Back pain may have a variety of causes, including poor posture, misalignment of bones in the spinal column, injuries, and lifting heavy loads incorrectly.

When the back is healthy, the bones of the spinal column are able to move properly because each individual vertebra is separated by a spongy cushion from the vertebrae next to it. This cushion is often called a disc. As a person becomes older, these spongy cushions or discs start to become dehydrated and they no longer create a cushion for the backbones. If one of these discs starts to protrude from its space, it can create pressure on a nerve, resulting in extreme back pain. This pain from a herniated disc can cause a person to tense up the muscles and become less mobile.

A skilled chiropractor will know how to manipulate the bones of the spine and relax the muscles in order to place the vertebrae back into their correct positions. This spinal manipulation will result in a reduction of pain since the disks between the vertebrae will no longer be exerting pressure on the nerves.

Another common reason why people need to visit a chiropractor in Charlotte is for the treatment of whiplash pain. Whiplash is a very common injury and may be the result of an automobile accident or a sporting injury. It often occurs when a passenger is sitting in a car that is hit from behind by another car. The resulting motion damages the tendons, muscles, and ligaments of the neck.

The pain of whiplash can be agonizing and may persist for many weeks or months. It will limit a person's ability to move the head freely and may even result in an inability to sleep. A person who has had a whiplash injury will often experience severe headaches and dizziness.

A chiropractor can help to alleviate the pain of whiplash by using specific manipulations that are designed to get the bones of the neck back into their correct alignment. The muscles, ligaments, and tendons that have been damaged as a result of the original injury can now adjust to being in the correct position after they have been stretched and torn because of a very violent motion.

Chiropractors are uniquely qualified to handle cases of whiplash and back pain because they have spent many years studying every detail of the spinal column. They know exactly where the various vertebrae are supposed to be located and they know how to get the spine into alignment when an injury has occurred.

Some people fear going to a chiropractor in Charlotte for treatment of back pain or whip lash since they think the treatment is going to be painful. In general, chiropractic treatments are rarely uncomfortable and the patient will often walk out the door of the chiropractic clinic feeling much more comfortable than when he entered the clinic.

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health

Replace sweet drinks with water and tea: It’s not rocket science, ingesting the amount of sugar that’s in soda and artificial juice is not beneficial to your health.  Replacing all that sugar with water will boost your energy and depending on how much sugar you cut out it will start to shed some major lb’s.  If you’re a real stickler for taste, then try some fruit tea or flavored water (I’m a sucker for Perrier with lime!)

Take Time to relax/Meditate: The US is a huge work culture. Work, work, work is all we can think about and we’re working ourselves into an early grave.  In order to slow down the reaper, why not take 30 minutes out of everyday to relax in whatever way you like. It could be meditation, reading, or some yoga.  You don’t have to spend a long time doing it, even a little bit of relaxation will help to refocus you on your work and keep you from burning out.

Walk a little more every day: We won’t put exercise on this list because I know some people wouldn’t consider it to be so “simple” but adding a daily walk of a couple miles doesn’t get much simpler. Walking down the block to the grocery store instead of driving, or just taking the time to get out of your house and amble around your neighborhood will give you amazing results for promoting your general health and increase blood circulation. 

Laugh! You fools: Laughter is the best medicine, literally! Ok, well it might not cure your cancer but it has been proven to release endorphins that stimulate good heart health, healthy respiratory functions and can even relieve pain.  A good friend of mine laughs all day long and claims it’s the reason he’s going to live to be 1000.  I don’t know if that will happen, but he’s well on his way                 

Sex:  Is there a better way to maintain your health? Having a regular sex life keeps your hormones high and releases lots of stress relieving endorphins.  Stress is one of the most dangerous threats to our health and I’ve never known anyone to be uptight after sex. Older men and women who stay sexually active into their twilight years live longer and more active lives.  It’s a perfect storm or stress relief, exercise and spiritual rejuvenation all rolled up into one.  And if you’re concerned about not having a partner, well the seasoned actor Ernest Borgnine lived to be 95 and said it was all thanks to a steady routine of self gratification ;)